Hey, in the world of dating today, we’ve all been there – hitting that block button when things get rough with your crush or person you’re into. It might seem like the obvious move when you’re all in your feelings, but trust me, it might not be the smartest call.Continue Reading

As a psychic, I often connect with callers seeking advice about their relationships. It’s not uncommon for some of these callers to strongly believe that their partner is their “twin flame.” They use this term to describe an exceptionally deep and unique connection between themselves and their partner. However, inContinue Reading

Breakups can be emotionally challenging and often lead us to seek ways to reconnect with our ex-partners. However, focusing on personal healing and growth is equally important. This article aims to provide guidance on fostering self-healing and personal development after a breakup, creating a foundation for future relationships or personalContinue Reading

The heart chakra, known as Anahata in Sanskrit, is the energy center that governs love, compassion, and emotional well-being. A balanced heart chakra enables us to experience deeper connections, empathy, and a sense of unity with others. This chakra is essential not only for nurturing our relationships but also forContinue Reading